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Ningwu - Oatmeal Factory

Ningwu - Oatmeal Factory

    Located in Ningwu, Shanxi province, the project consisted in the creation of an Oatmeal factory, transforming raw oats into flour products. The production process, mostly automated, needed two different production lines with high volume machinery

Located in Ningwu, Shanxi province, the project consisted in the creation of an Oatmeal factory, transforming raw oats into flour products. The production process, mostly automated, needed two different production lines with high volume machinery and spaces open to the public with shop, café and office spaces.

The surroundings of the project offered very low quality with newly constructed industrial buildings, dry landscape and coal mines and we developed the factory as an introverted building that would recreate its own natural environment. Besides satisfying all functional requirements, we thought the project as a building that stimulates human senses, that would propose a surprising experience to the visitor.


该项目位于山西省宁武县,包括建造一座燕麦工厂: 将生燕麦进行深加工,转化为燕麦米及燕麦粉、燕麦冲调粉等产品。自动化加工过程需要建设两条不同的生产线,配备大批量机械设备。同时,也需要建造对公众开放的空间,包括商店、咖啡厅及办公空间。


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